S04E02 - Radical Responsibility - Practice To Empower Yourself To Be Present In The Moment and Life Becomes Gold
Hello beautiful beings of light! We are back! This is Chaitanya, and we are coming to you from our beloved Niwas. Welcome to the second episode of our 4th Season of the Solace and Shine Podcast! Pavitra and I are the cheerleaders and Niwas enthusiasts! We are absolutely privileged to bring you these teachings that bring us together to produce this podcast. You should hear us in the process; we gush about this and aahhhhh about that when we get to review each teaching and produce it into an episode.
If you want to leap forward in your evolution, this episode will launch you! What we are offering you here is the first lecture from the 2023 Roots and Wings Program. For Pavitra and I and many others, Roots and Wings has been a touchstone over the past 3 years. Honestly, we have experienced so much growth in ourselves and awareness of the frequency that we are offering into the world. It is like magic. We have peeled back layers of social conditioning to find who we are. Our appreciation and enjoyment of life in the 3D world has increased with every mountain or tree we gaze upon, bird we hear, breeze we feel on our skin and breath we take. Each new moment and interaction is a mirror to where we are on the inside.
This is the lecture that launched us into 2023. Śivani-ji shares the importance of taking radical responsibility for our reality. As we discover the privilege that is living in the 3rd Dimension; getting to be part of it all, she encourages us to stop disempowering ourselves to external factors and encourages us to change from a state of doing, which is the basis of the materialist paradigm, to a state of being, so we can focus on meeting each moment with love, kindness and gratitude, which expands us into the 5th dimensional reality. Do we have the fortitude and community support to radically take responsibility for our frequency in each new moment?

S04E01 - Relationships On The Path - Walking The Spiritual Path Alone, Together
Hello beautiful Souls! We are back! This is Chaitanya, and we are coming to you from our beloved Niwas. Welcome to the first episode of our 4th Season of the Solace and Shine Podcast! Pavitra (my podcast partner in light) and I are the cheerleaders. We are the Niwas Enthusiasts and we are privileged to bring you the teachings coming through. You should hear us when we are in production; we gush about this and aahhhhh with understanding about that, as we gain another chunk of wisdom to apply to our daily lives.
And so, without further ado, on to our first episode. Here Sn. Śivani lays out a straightforward and tangible understanding of how we can walk the spiritual path, which is a solitary one, together with our significant other knowing that we have come together to heal similar patterns.
As we listened, we laughed with Sn. Śivani as she acknowledged, with great humour, that being on the spiritual path with a significant other can challenging and at the same time the experience can be rich with opportunities for you to embody the teachings of witness, non-identification, friendliness, compassion, empathy and kindness.
Often our significant others are very good at triggering us, We love Sn. Śivani’s wording on this: “You have patterns that are complimentary points of growth.” So our task is to witness our emotional reaction when their patterns are coming to the surface and to embody the teachings. Our job is not, what we often want to do, to point out where they are making a mistake. Our job is to embody the teachings so they can entrain to that and with love, patience and lots of hugs we can lift each other up and rise in love together.
This lecture is vibrating with very useful teachings that apply to all our relationships. We noticed how it can be applied with other family members, close friends, colleges, and everyone we interact with, really.
Complement this episode with Season 3 -Episode 7 Living from the Heart - The anatomy of an apology and you will be set with useful tools to navigate all your close relationships.

S03E11 - Part 2 - Interview with Louis Platt - The Importance of Remembering our Galactic Heritage and Connection
In this episode Sn. Shivani sits in conversation with Jacqueline Freeman, biodynamic farmer, natural beekeeper and author of Song of Increase and co-author of What bees want. Jacqueline’s unique relationship with the bees is the perfect example of yoga ecology, when we look to nature for answers and connexion with the divine. Jaqueline speaks eloquently about the community consciousness of the bees and the messages she has recieved by listening to the wisdom of this fascinating beings. If you haven’t already, we invite you to listen to Episode 8 in season 1, in which Sn, Shivani teaches us about yoga ecology, we will put the link in the notes for quick access.

S03E10 - Part 1 - Interview with Louise Platt - The Importance to Remembering our Galactic Heritage and Connection
Welcome to the penultimate episode of Season 3 of our Solace and Shine Podcast. Join Sannyasi Sivani in conversation with Louise Platt, Quantum Soul and Galactic Astrology Practitioner who is on a mission to help people remember who they are and why they came to earth. In the conversation we learn what a starseed is, the importance of star seeds in the ascension process that earth is currently undergoing, and the challenges of being a starseed. Louise also discusses how your birth chart tells where your soul is originally from. If you are wondering why is important that we remember our galactic heritage, these words by Sannyasi Shivani couldn’t explain it better. “We need to understand that all the starseed memories are inside of us and we can use this galactic charting to give us an encouragement to harness the frequencies that are inside of us so they can help us be fully in our humanity knowing that we are in this world but not from this world.”
If you feel inspired to learn about your galactic heritage check Louise Platt’s website SpiralBright.co.uk (http://SpiralBright.co.uk).
This is the link to the video mentioned on the interview about ascension symptoms. (https://youtu.be/DXrkY7RDZwI)

S03E09 - Surrender, Co-Creation and Ahimsa - Shifting Dimensional Realities
You may have heard that the Earth herself is experiencing an ascension or an evolution from 3rd dimensional reality to 5th dimensional reality, and because we are part of her, we are going with her whether we know it or not! Here, Sannyasi Sivani is offering explanation of the concepts this evolution is bringing. She explains how the Yogic concepts, practices and those that have mastered Yoga will help us in this major transitional shift that is happening. Concepts such as surrender, co-creation, ahimsa, unconditional love and sankalpa are discussed. She explains when we orientate our life force to a sankalpa beyond our own needs, desires, and expectations and instead focus on our duty that is aligned with this sankalpa, then we are co-creating with the God force that wants to benefit all. And life keeps getting more beautiful as we learn to again merge with life within nature. Enjoy this very educational lecture from Solace and Shine’s 2022 Roots and Wings Program.

S03E08 - Relationships and Yoga with Sannyasi Sivani and Sannyasi Paramjyoti
You are about to listen to an intimate conversation between two powerfully wise and quietly influential people of our time who happen to be married to each other. Sovereign within themselves, they have come together to grow as Souls. Sivani and Paramjyoti are initiated Sannyas. They have co-founded Ishtadev Niwas Ashram upon the blessings of the Gurus of the Saraswati Lineage, which is no small feat. Their strength, emotional intelligence, determination, dedication and sattvic natures provide a divine example of what it is to live Yoga together. Now, I am a long time fan of these two so you will have to take my gushings with a grain of salt, because these two have humbled themselves to a way of life that is not easy and it pushes them to moments of creativity that makes them live life fully and completely. Their dedication to living Yoga brings a light and a love to their relationship that will echo beyond time. Their example is showing us the way to life as it was meant to be lived; and that is fully, completely soulfully embodied here on Earth. From baking bread in a wood fired oven to teaching people how to, again, live with nature, these are two people it would behoove you to pay attention to. Ok, I am finished gushing now, enjoy their conversation in our Solace and Shine Podcast, Episode 8.

S03E07 - Living From The Heart - The Anatomy Of An Apology
We are about half way through Season 3. This episode is from the September 2022 Lecture of Solace and Shine’s Roots and Wings Program. Here, we are learning what it takes to live from the heart, and what does that mean or feel like? All we can do, is do the work and then, experience where it takes us. Sannyasi Sivani starts by explaining why OUR generation is only NOW learning to apologize and the value of it. She describes what our past generations have gone through and why we are where we are in relationship to our own hearts. We have this opportunity to feel our hearts and sit in vulnerability with each other. This is the work that will bring us into a heart space with one another. Sivani-ji offers a five step process that you can start practicing with everyone around you, especially those closer to you in your daily life. This practice has sincerely changed my life, although it was extremely difficult at the beginning, I promise it becomes easier and with practice you will start experiencing the real meaning of embodied unconditional love.

S03E06 - Part 2 - Bee Consciousness and How Nature is Helping Human’s Remember 5D - Interview with Jacqueline Freeman
Welcome to the episode where we get to listen to the second part of Sn. Shivani’s interview with Jacqueline Freeman, biodynamic farmer, natural beekeeper and author of Song of Increase and co-author of What bees want. These two books are opening up a whole new world of life and potential for humans. In this episode we learn about the healing frequencies of the bees, and how human potential can evolve if we learn from the consciousness that the bees already embody. In Ashram, we aspire to live as the bees do. We also learn from Jacqueline’s living example how to patiently and humbly come to the fulfillment of our dharma. Enjoy the precious wisdom that is being imparted here.

S03E05 - Part 1 - Bee Consciousness and How Nature is Helping Human’s Remember 5D - Interview With Jacqueline Freeman
In this episode Sn. Shivani sits in conversation with Jacqueline Freeman, biodynamic farmer, natural beekeeper and author of Song of Increase and co-author of What bees want. Jacqueline’s unique relationship with the bees is the perfect example of yoga ecology, when we look to nature for answers and connexion with the divine. Jaqueline speaks eloquently about the community consciousness of the bees and the messages she has recieved by listening to the wisdom of this fascinating beings. If you haven’t already, we invite you to listen to Episode 8 in season 1, in which Sn, Shivani teaches us about yoga ecology, we will put the link in the notes for quick access.

S03E04 - Five Fires - The Afflictions that Burn us From the Inside, and How to Turn them to Illumination.
There is an advanced sadhana our lineage practices called the Panchagni. Panch meaning five and Agni meaning fire. It is a practice that goes from mid January to mid July in which a yogi or yogini will sit in the middle of 4 fires with the fifth fire being the the sun above them. They sit in different forms of meditation, performing mantra as a way to burn out the rest of their karma.
These five fires symbolically represent the fires of Manipura chakra, which hold us in duality. Desire, Anger, Greed, Attachment, intoxication with pride, we experience them everyday, they are portals for us to explore the places where we need healing, where we need to let go, to soften. Can we learn to become aware of and witness these fires within us? You may have encountered these as feelings, frequencies or vibrations within your body and mind. I know when I have encountered them, I have found out how they distract us from life. When I’m on my game, meaning I have been consistent with my own daily yoga sadhana, I have been able to keep myself from that place of identifying with these five fires, and this helps me to be of better service. Sn. Shivani’s invitation is: can we be the still point at the center of the chaos that these fires provoke and be the light for others in the current state of collective anxiety? This is. And she reminds us that to have the clarity to witness these fires, we need our Sadhana, our spiritual practice, sangha, our community and satsang, sitting in the presence of truth. Do you have those tools in your life? Or do you know where to find them?

S03E03 - Part 2 - Healing the Divine Masculine in Today’s Culture - an Interview with Torgrim Mellum Stene
Welcome to Part 2 of Sn. Shivani’s conversation with guest Torgrim Mellum Stene about his exploration of divine masculinity. Torgrim further shares his process of healing his inner wounds which has brought more balance to his experience of his masculinity. It was very inspiring to hear a man speak so openly and vulnerably about his process. He tells a story about his quest to a stone circle in England and how the land was an important character in his quest and realization, This insightful story shares how the land is here to help us heal and show us the beauty that is all around us. This story also illustrates the current aspiration of humanity in which we are collectively moving into a time of interconnectivity. We hope you enjoy the second half of this wonderful interview.
We invite you to check out Torgrim, and his co-host Mikael’s podcast “In the Borderlands”; where they explore creativity, mythology and magic. The link can be found here: https://open.spotify.com/show/1c8wFKswoHmciLc8BnsePs

S03E02 - Part 1 - Healing the Divine Masculine in Today’s Culture - an Interview with Torgrim Mellum Stene
In this episode Sn Shivani sits with guest Torgrim Mellum Stene and they have a very engaging conversation about divine masculinity. Torgrim, and his co-host Miguel host their podcast “In the Borderlands”; they are professional story tellers. Torgrim has dedicated much of his life force to his exploration and embodiment of divine masculinity. In this first part of the interview we get to learn about his journey into accepting and integrating his masculinity, we hear about his encounters with masculine jungian archetypes and enjoy a beautiful story about his relationship with a wounded tree. We hope you enjoy this wonderful interview.
Tune in next week for the second half of this interview to hear about Torgrim’s story of his quest at a Stone Circle in England where the spirit of nature plays an important part of Torgrim’s realizations. And in the meantime, if you are interested to listen to In The Borderlands, Torgrim and Mikael’s wonderfully mysterious and folkloric podcast, the link can be found here: https://open.spotify.com/show/1c8wFKswoHmciLc8BnsePs

S03E01 - This Moment... How Empowering Yourself the Greatest Present You Can Give the World
Have you realized how much life force energy we leak out of our lives? We tend to be either hooked on the past or focused on the future and often discontent with the present moment. Most of us have not been taught how to bring all of our energy into each moment. We get into something good in the present moment and then because we do to really know how to love who we are or where we are at we will go galavanting into FaceBook or Youtube Land or we fall back into the past or nail bite into the future. Me personally, I have a hard time keeping myself in the present moment for longer than 3 minutes. Sn. Shivani is inviting us in this episode to notice where are we leaking energy and to put systems in place to come back to the present so we don’t miss the overwhelming beauty and the miracle of life that envelopes us each and every moment. And then from there, who knows where this will take us? I get the feeling that this is where we will find the frequency of unconditional love. And with the practices of Yog, we get to prepare our bodies and minds to live in that higher frequency eventually for longer and longer periods of time. Enjoy!

Interview By In The Borderlands
Link to Interview By In The Borderlands
Sivani is interviewed by story tellers, Torgrim and Mikael on their podcast called In the Borderlands. Sivani shares a few personal stories brimming with synchronicities and serendipity, among them an amazing tale of her special relationship with bees. They cover so many beautiful topics in this interview; from Healing from Endometriosis to Karma Yoga to Krishna Das to Lyra to Shiva, and many more topics you will find amazing. So many good stories here. Enjoy!

Lezley Davidson Interview with Sivani - Part 2
to Part 2 of Lezley Davidson’s interview with Sivani. Lezley Davidson is a leader in personal healing and connection to the Divine. Her website,
offers insights and teachings from her own wisdom journey.

Lezley Davidson Interview with Sivani - Part 1
to Part 1 of Lezley Davidson’s interview with Sivani. Lezley Davidson is a leader in personal healing and connection to the Divine. Her website,
offers interviews and insights from her own wisdom journey. Check out Lezley’s interview with Sivani; it is a lovely coming together of like minds who are creating safe space for personal and universal healing.

S02E11 - Seva, Satsang and Swadyaya
Hello! This is Chai, a long time student of Ishtadev Niwas, and we wanted to close our second season by inviting you to listen to the explanation of a teaching that is so practical in its application in today’s world. The three tenants of living Yoga.
The first tenant is Seva, which is offering service from a place of Atma Bhava. To get to this stage we practice Karma Yoga in an ashram. The second is Satsang, which is sitting in the presence of truth. This is when we gather in community and receive transmissions of light coming through our teachers. And last is Swadyaya, which translates as Self-study. This starts with the study of the scriptures, satsangs and then evolves into studying of how we are experiencing the teachings in real life and real time.
I could listen to these lectures over and over again, while I stir cheese here at Niwas. They are really soothing, and I would say its because of the transmission of light that they impart from the lineage. They inspire me to keep learning about myself. Here at Niwas, I get multiple opportunities to practice karma yoga, listen to or read Satsangs and practice Self Study. With the combination of all three of these, I have experienced grace, flow and an honest to goodness love for life!
I have also had multiple opportunities to experience some of my Samskara’s and the Vasana or impulse to act out the belief. It will grip me so strongly, bringing confusion, anger and finally tears - which is my usual pattern. Sometimes, I am at a place where I can breathe through it, and other times, it catches me by surprise and all I can do is watch myself come apart and fall back into old patterns. And then, like magic, the little details of living life here and the loving container that is the Ashram, will bring understanding and I gain a little bit more wisdom that allows me to open up to a whole new expanded experience of life. It gives me another foot hold to leap forward with enthusiasm and positivity at the opportunity of more karma yoga where I can practice loving life and living more deeply with the world.
I feel this is a good opportunity to mention that this is exactly what we get in Roots and Wings program that is coming up in April. The intact for registration is happening now, and the program is filled with healing practices, Satsangs and opportunities to practice karma yoga. Enjoy the lecture about Seva, Satsang and Swadyaya.

S02E10 - Samskaras and Vasanas - How to Purify the Personality to Make More Room For the Spirit
I find it so intriguing, all the secrets of the teachings of Yoga that help us understand how to drive this human vehicle! Like Sn. Sivani said, our soul is like a pound of pure, unmarked butter and our samskaras are a hand print in that pound of butter.
So, what is a samskara? Samskaras are our deep seated unconscious memories that make up the personality we have been given for our human vehicle. Understanding this makes the whole experience a little less personal and to me, its gives us a little distance to witness from, so we can observe and adjust. Then come the vasanas, which is when we take belief in the samskaras as truth and unconsciously behave in ways that will create and recreate the circumstances to prove the samsakras to be true. There you have it, that’s the cycle of samskara. In our impulse to prove the samskaras to be true we create more karma to be worked through in the future. And sadly we don’t see each other for who we really are, which is pure consciousness, we see the samskaras that the other has identified with. What is really cool, is because we are so deeply connected as this one organism, we will often try to mold into the each other’s samskara and vasanas to see if the pattern or memory fits for us. We are such cute and interesting creatures, us humans.
How do we break free of this? With yogic practices such as asana, pranayama, dharana and spiritual journaling, we start to see our samskaras, feel our vasanas, and if your are in Ashram it is a lot easier to see these and then have enough discernment to choose differently. Once we start to recognize these samskaras, we then have a chance to stop acting out the vasanas and there you have it, we have purified just a little bit more, and that makes more room for the purity of our spirit to drive our human vehicle! Happy Samskaras discernment to you all. Enjoy!

S02E09 - Sovereignty - The Key to New Earth.
Hello! This is Chai, a long time student of Ishtadev Niwas, and I am so excited to introduce this episode. Sovereignty, sovereignty, sovereignty! You know you are ready to learn something when you are actively seeking it out. I have been actively seeking, listening and trying to figure out what this thing, sovereignty, is for the past two years now! And here is the explanation that I have been waiting for. Sannyasi Sivani explains what sovereignty actually is, where we can go to develop it and how important it is to have to live a life in freedom.
She explains first that we need understand what Swadhistana Chakra is and that we need to master our relationship with our emotions. Knowing that our emotions are not WHO we are and that they are simply experiences, human experiences that our ego, our filter, observes and records. And until we are able to witness and watch our emotions, we are so easily manipulated. Then Sn, Sivani explains the next thing needed to be sovereign within ourselves is that we develop our own personal, unshakable relationship with the Divine. And then she ties it all together with what has been going in the world for the past 500 years in terms of power over and how things are changing as more people come into their own personal sovereignty and make small changes that create a new reality.
So as you listen to this episode, listen for a few key words and phrases: Easy Pickens, Two Year Olds, Divine, Teacher, Queen, codependency, the word “Just”, Ego, Filter, ignorance, consistency, clarity, discipline and Gem of your being. Towards the end of the episode, Sn. Sivani gives us a story of her first experiences of Ashram and learning about her sovereignty. It is a fantastic example for all of us! Enjoy.

S02E08 - Karma Yoga and Selfless Service - What’s the Big Difference?
A quote by Kahlil Gibran: “The Ploughman asked, “speak to us of Work. And the answer came forth:
"you work that you may keep pace with the earth and the soul of the earth. Always, you have been told that work is a curse, a labour, a misfortune. I say to you, that when you work you fulfil a part of earth’s furthest dream assigned to you when that dream was born, And in keeping yourself with labour you are in truth, loving life, And to love life through labour is to be intimate with life’s inmost secret.”
In the following 2021 Karma to Dharma Lecture, Sannyasi Sivani speaks about the Western Mind Set where we are ego driven, working only to support ourselves or our family, and we’re missing the boat! Honestly, have you noticed how generally unhappy we are here, in the Western World? Because we are living from such a small minded, constrictive perspective. Sn. Sivani speaks about Karma Yoga as an advanced Yoga practice and how eventually it will expand us into soul filled, selfless service. And this is what will bring us, as a whole, into the next evolution of human consciousness.
Pavitra Galindo, also a student of Niwas said in her lovely Spanish accent, “the more I offer my life force to the good of all, the lighter I feel and I come into an understanding of myself more than ever. There is so much joy, peace, love, support and connection when we work for others. You have to experience it to feel it, which is why we go to Ashram”
Karma Yoga is the process of purifying our minds to what is needed in the bigger picture and when we surrender and let go, we experience the bliss that is learning how to work in the flow of life and earth. Earth lives in such synchronicity for the benefit of the whole. As humans being a part of earth, this can come as naturally as breathing, and it feels good. We go to the Ashram to learn how to be a HU MAN - how to be a being of light in service to all that is Earth. It is a beautiful, love of life. So get ready to work and Enjoy!