S03E09 - Surrender, Co-Creation and Ahimsa - Shifting Dimensional Realities

You may have heard that the Earth herself is experiencing an ascension or an evolution from 3rd dimensional reality to 5th dimensional reality, and because we are part of her, we are going with her whether we know it or not! Here, Sannyasi Sivani is offering explanation of the concepts this evolution is bringing. She explains how the Yogic concepts, practices and those that have mastered Yoga will help us in this major transitional shift that is happening. Concepts such as surrender, co-creation, ahimsa, unconditional love and sankalpa are discussed. She explains when we orientate our life force to a sankalpa beyond our own needs, desires, and expectations and instead focus on our duty that is aligned with this sankalpa, then we are co-creating with the God force that wants to benefit all. And life keeps getting more beautiful as we learn to again merge with life within nature. Enjoy this very educational lecture from Solace and Shine’s 2022 Roots and Wings Program.


S03E10 - Part 1 - Interview with Louise Platt - The Importance to Remembering our Galactic Heritage and Connection


S03E08 - Relationships and Yoga with Sannyasi Sivani and Sannyasi Paramjyoti