S02E11 - Seva, Satsang and Swadyaya

Hello! This is Chai, a long time student of Ishtadev Niwas, and we wanted to close our second season by inviting you to listen to the explanation of a teaching that is so practical in its application in today’s world. The three tenants of living Yoga.

The first tenant is Seva, which is offering service from a place of Atma Bhava. To get to this stage we practice Karma Yoga in an ashram. The second is Satsang, which is sitting in the presence of truth. This is when we gather in community and receive transmissions of light coming through our teachers. And last is Swadyaya, which translates as Self-study. This starts with the study of the scriptures, satsangs and then evolves into studying of how we are experiencing the teachings in real life and real time.

I could listen to these lectures over and over again, while I stir cheese here at Niwas. They are really soothing, and I would say its because of the transmission of light that they impart from the lineage. They inspire me to keep learning about myself. Here at Niwas, I get multiple opportunities to practice karma yoga, listen to or read Satsangs and practice Self Study. With the combination of all three of these, I have experienced grace, flow and an honest to goodness love for life!

I have also had multiple opportunities to experience some of my Samskara’s and the Vasana or impulse to act out the belief. It will grip me so strongly, bringing confusion, anger and finally tears - which is my usual pattern. Sometimes, I am at a place where I can breathe through it, and other times, it catches me by surprise and all I can do is watch myself come apart and fall back into old patterns. And then, like magic, the little details of living life here and the loving container that is the Ashram, will bring understanding and I gain a little bit more wisdom that allows me to open up to a whole new expanded experience of life. It gives me another foot hold to leap forward with enthusiasm and positivity at the opportunity of more karma yoga where I can practice loving life and living more deeply with the world.

I feel this is a good opportunity to mention that this is exactly what we get in Roots and Wings program that is coming up in April. The intact for registration is happening now, and the program is filled with healing practices, Satsangs and opportunities to practice karma yoga. Enjoy the lecture about Seva, Satsang and Swadyaya.


Lezley Davidson Interview with Sivani - Part 1


S02E10 - Samskaras and Vasanas - How to Purify the Personality to Make More Room For the Spirit