S04E01 - Relationships On The Path - Walking The Spiritual Path Alone, Together

Hello beautiful Souls! We are back! This is Chaitanya, and we are coming to you from our beloved Niwas. Welcome to the first episode of our 4th Season of the Solace and Shine Podcast! Pavitra (my podcast partner in light) and I are the cheerleaders. We are the Niwas Enthusiasts and we are privileged to bring you the teachings coming through. You should hear us when we are in production; we gush about this and aahhhhh with understanding about that, as we gain another chunk of wisdom to apply to our daily lives.

And so, without further ado, on to our first episode. Here Sn. Śivani lays out a straightforward and tangible understanding of how we can walk the spiritual path, which is a solitary one, together with our significant other knowing that we have come together to heal similar patterns.

As we listened, we laughed with Sn. Śivani as she acknowledged, with great humour, that being on the spiritual path with a significant other can challenging and at the same time the experience can be rich with opportunities for you to embody the teachings of witness, non-identification, friendliness, compassion, empathy and kindness.

Often our significant others are very good at triggering us, We love Sn. Śivani’s wording on this: “You have patterns that are complimentary points of growth.” So our task is to witness our emotional reaction when their patterns are coming to the surface and to embody the teachings. Our job is not, what we often want to do, to point out where they are making a mistake. Our job is to embody the teachings so they can entrain to that and with love, patience and lots of hugs we can lift each other up and rise in love together.

This lecture is vibrating with very useful teachings that apply to all our relationships. We noticed how it can be applied with other family members, close friends, colleges, and everyone we interact with, really.

Complement this episode with Season 3 -Episode 7 Living from the Heart - The anatomy of an apology and you will be set with useful tools to navigate all your close relationships.


S04E02 - Radical Responsibility - Practice To Empower Yourself To Be Present In The Moment and Life Becomes Gold


S03E11 - Part 2 - Interview with Louis Platt - The Importance of Remembering our Galactic Heritage and Connection