S03E07 - Living From The Heart - The Anatomy Of An Apology

We are about half way through Season 3. This episode is from the September 2022 Lecture of Solace and Shine’s Roots and Wings Program. Here, we are learning what it takes to live from the heart, and what does that mean or feel like? All we can do, is do the work and then, experience where it takes us. Sannyasi Sivani starts by explaining why OUR generation is only NOW learning to apologize and the value of it. She describes what our past generations have gone through and why we are where we are in relationship to our own hearts. We have this opportunity to feel our hearts and sit in vulnerability with each other. This is the work that will bring us into a heart space with one another. Sivani-ji offers a five step process that you can start practicing with everyone around you, especially those closer to you in your daily life. This practice has sincerely changed my life, although it was extremely difficult at the beginning, I promise it becomes easier and with practice you will start experiencing the real meaning of embodied unconditional love.


S03E08 - Relationships and Yoga with Sannyasi Sivani and Sannyasi Paramjyoti


S03E06 - Part 2 - Bee Consciousness and How Nature is Helping Human’s Remember 5D - Interview with Jacqueline Freeman