S03E03 - Part 2 - Healing the Divine Masculine in Today’s Culture - an Interview with Torgrim Mellum Stene

Welcome to Part 2 of Sn. Shivani’s conversation with guest Torgrim Mellum Stene about his exploration of divine masculinity. Torgrim further shares his process of healing his inner wounds which has brought more balance to his experience of his masculinity. It was very inspiring to hear a man speak so openly and vulnerably about his process. He tells a story about his quest to a stone circle in England and how the land was an important character in his quest and realization, This insightful story shares how the land is here to help us heal and show us the beauty that is all around us. This story also illustrates the current aspiration of humanity in which we are collectively moving into a time of interconnectivity. We hope you enjoy the second half of this wonderful interview.

We invite you to check out Torgrim, and his co-host Mikael’s podcast “In the Borderlands”; where they explore creativity, mythology and magic. The link can be found here: https://open.spotify.com/show/1c8wFKswoHmciLc8BnsePs


S03E04 - Five Fires - The Afflictions that Burn us From the Inside, and How to Turn them to Illumination.


S03E02 - Part 1 - Healing the Divine Masculine in Today’s Culture - an Interview with Torgrim Mellum Stene