S05E11 - Stop Fighting Against What You Don't Want - Do This Instead

S05E11 - Stop Fighting Against What You Don't Want - Do This Instead

Hello Beautiful Souls, welcome to Episode 11, our last and final episode our 5th Season of the Solace and Shine Podcast.

Listen as you can hear the echo of Śivani-ji speaking from within the St. Clements Chapel on the Isle of Harris of Scotland. If you listen carefully you can hear the historic wind of Storm Kathleen outside the walls of the chapel. It was exciting and haunting at the same time as it blew across the islands of Scotland for three days straight. If you search St. Clements on the Isle of Harris it and find photos, it will take your breath! To gaze at the chapel it is absolute magic, and so wonderful that she made it there in her pilgrimage of sacred sites of Scotland.

I love that we are finishing this season with this episode. We have been hearing about starseeds, lightcodes, land songs, coming from our hearts, and all of these topics are part of a process of dissolving into New Earth. This final episode is an invitation from Sannyasi Śivani to stop fighting what we don't want and to dream instead. 

Śivani-ji reminds us that when we try to get away from something, we are actually empowering that thing because our mind and energy is directed towards it. Like saying goes "Energy flows where awareness goes". She invites us to dream instead. To turn our faces towards New Earth, and dream in terms of frequency, qualities, and energetics. What is our presence when we are seated in love? Our souls actually know, because New Earth is already here and it is a wondrous place to explore.  Sannyasi Śivani leaves us this season with the inquiry: what quality in you are you ready to prioritize moving towards and what actions will you take to get there?  Happy rest of your summer, happy dissolving into New Earth. Enjoy!

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S05E10 - The 3 Stages of Consciousness - You Are More Powerful Than You Realize

S05E10 - The 3 Stages of Consciousness - You Are More Powerful Than You Realize

Hello Gorgeous Souls, welcome to the Solace and Shine Podcast. In this dissolving into new earth that we are experiencing, we can find three different realities are all happening at the same time. Polarization, Integration and Embodiment. Honestly, the way this is explained is brilliant and Sanyasi Śivani-ji clearly describes and helps up to sort out what we have been experiencing. We tune our “radio” to the frequency of embodiment with our consistent Sadhana, Breath Work, Mantra, Asana, Art, Poetry, Music, Science, Connection with Nature and Community. This episode came from a YouTube video that Śivani-ji made while at the sacred site of Old Man of Storr on the Isle of Sky of Scotland. We will leave the link to that video here because this sacred sight that she journey’d to in the spring is other worldly. Enjoy our 10th episode of Season 5 of the Solace and Shine Podcast.

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S05E09 - Coming Into The Heart From A 5D New Earth Perspective

S05E09 - Coming Into The Heart From A 5D New Earth Perspective

Hello you Wonderful Beings! Welcome to Episode 9 of the 5th Season of the Solace and Shine Podcast. This is the second of three talks Sanyasi Śivani gave while on the last leg of the series of epic pilgrimages that she and her family shares that New Earth is already here, and we can to calibrate into it.  

Although she gets technical here, I will repeat the information because it will be useful for all of us. Śivani-ji explains the Koshas, which are the sheathes of reality that make up our aura. I think the more we understand about these the more inevitable it will be that we can intelligently let go and dissolve into the New Earth. There are 5 koshas, Anandamaya kosha which is the bliss body, Vijanamaya kosha which is the karmic body, Manomaya kosha the mental body, Pranamaya kosha, the energy body and Annamaya kosha is the physical body. 

The kosha that pertains to the New Earth, the Manomaya kosha is the mental sheath that bridges Manipura Chakra and Anahata Chakra. Sanyasi Śivani explains that this mental body contains the lower mind in Manipura chakra and the Higher mind in Anahata Chakra and she explains the difference between the two.  In the lower mind in Manipura Chakra, we consider ourselves separate, there is always an "other", there is polarization, we say things like  "I am manifesting new Earth,” or “my idea,” and we think we are in control and are the doer. When we are in the higher mind, after we experience the bridge of interconnectivity of surrender, we say things like "Let thy will be done" or “let my heart beats be an offering into the new earth reality,” and we understand that these thoughts come from the collective.

Sanyasi Śivani's message is to have the clarity that we are not creating this New Earth, we are dissolving into it. We are already a part of it. New Earth is already here, and it's who we are. Our job is to let go of everything we are not.  She also states that the Heart perceives reality and the “Lower Mind” feels reality. I find this so interesting because most of us in society have been taught to suppress, push away or ignore our feelings, and I think I have spent many years actually denying the world as it is while I was denying or pushing away my own feelings. I want to experience Earth more consciously and I think I need to feel it first and then I will be able to differentiate between when I am feeling and when I am perceiving. On a personal level, I really do look forward to dissolving into the New Earth Consciousness. Seems like a most natural thing. A good episode to complement this teaching is Episode 7 in Season 1: Dimensional Mapping.

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S05E08 - Lightcodes, Languaging and Land Songs

S05E08 - Lightcodes, Languaging and Land Songs

Hello Beautiful Soul’s having a Human Experience! Welcome to Episode 8 of the Solace and Shine Podcast. Sannyasi Shivani shares about her year 2023, which was the most challenging and rewarding in her life so far. She shares her own piece of the puzzle acknowledging that everyone’s piece is equally important. This is a time of collaboration coming from a place of sovereignty and wholeness. This is a series of three episodes that impart the incredible insights on her journey’s through sacred sites in the UK and the SW United States. My God this episode is a packed 15 minutes! With guidance from her “Team” of galactic guides, Śivani-ji was instructed to sell her beloved milk cow, Laxmi and to ready herself for travel. Śivani-ji’s Pilgrimages to stone henge, wood henge, new forest and ancient burial sites in the UK where she had the privilege of picking up her pieces. Weaved in to these tales are energetic exchanges that re-sanctify both Land and Human and powerful offerings made during the Solar Eclipse and the Spring Equinox. She shares remembering her dharma and the importance of pilgrimage along lay lines to sacred vortexes and energy nodes which offer calibration for the human collective consciousness.

 And from these specific encounters, Śivani-ji recorded Land Songs for her Soul Evolving course, the Dragonfly’s Song. This just wrapped up

 in June 2024 and may be made available again in the future. 

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S05E07 - Starseed Connections, Lay Lines and Light Codes In The Water - Part 2

S05E07 - Starseed Connections, Lay Lines and Light Codes In The Water - Part 2

Ok Beautiful Soul’s; are you ready for Part 2. Oh my goodness, I need to take a deep breath here to anchor myself into this present moment. The magnitude of magic in this next part rock’s my world. There are comets, ancient beings, lay lines connecting Niwas to Mexico, water falls, unheard of earthquakes at Niwas and the activation of light codes in the water. Sanyasi Śivani-ji shares these stories to invite us to be curious, to not discard what we consider strange, and to keep our willingness to being part of the collective that is waking up and supporting the foundations of Gaia’s evolution. Enjoy!

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S05E06 - Starseed Connections, Lay Lines And Light Codes In The Water - Part 1

S05E06 - Starseed Connections, Lay Lines And Light Codes In The Water - Part 1

Hello Beautiful Soul’s having a Human Experience. Please ready yourself for this episode by taking a big deep breath in and anchor yourself into the present moment! Sanyasi Śivani-ji shares a declaration of her mediumship and then in full vulnerability shares where her skills have taken on a whole new form! Be prepared to be amazed at the wild and wondrous stories Śivani-ji weaves for you here. You will need to ask yourself, “did I just hear what I think I heard?!” From receiving guidance from a Starseed Connection that helped in healing a Wild Deer at Niwas to being told she needed to go to Mexico to start the process of bringing light codes to support Gaia and humanities waking up I get shivers and have to shake my head because of the mysteries and synchronicities being brought forth. We have split this episode into two parts and so look out for Part 2 coming next week. Enjoy!!!

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S05E05 - Bear Insult, Bear Injury

S05E05 - Bear Insult, Bear Injury

Bear Insult, Bear Injury, what??? This is a teaching from Swami Sivananda that he rightly called "Highest Sadhana". It is a teaching for the sattvic mind. And what is that you may ask? Sanyasi Śivani explains what are the Gunas or Qualities of the mind, Sattvic being one of them. Tamasic and Rajasic, the other two. Using the example of a flower, this teaching becomes very accessible to understand. When we are in full bloom, embodying a sattvic mind, dissolved into the divine, and there is no other, what is there to be injured or insulted by? This is a very important teaching for this time, when we are seeing so much polarization in our society. What is so amazing about this episode is that she not only explains the concept, but there is a frequency in this episode that feels like a cool breeze on one of these hot, hot summer days. May we continue our dedication to embody a sattvic mind. May we hold this teaching in our awareness so at each little chance to Bear Insult, Bear Injury we can observe the ripples in our minds and then use the practices to calm and cool the mind back to peace. 

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S0504 - Private Vs. Personal

S0504 - Private Vs. Personal

Hello beautiful people! Welcome to the Solace and Shine Podcast. This episode is part of a series called the New Earth Downloads. This message was channeled around July of 2023 during the New Moon in Aries.

Sanyasi Śivani asks, can we bring more of ourselves to our interactions? She speaks of how being personable, authentic and sincere in our interactions can create a personal connection that brings people together.  Did you know that as a society that we a lot spend our time and energy protecting the core wound of self acceptance? But we can heal this by being more personal.

Śivani-ji shares some powerful information from guides that can see our situation from their objective viewpoint. Private vs personal. She explains the distortion and then explains how to create personal interactions that strengthen the web of our humanity around us.

Sanyasi Śivani explains the difference between the place of thinking that divulging our private life to anyone anywhere as a way to connect versus instead being present with another person and consciously responding and connecting with them to create a personal, heartfelt interaction. Can we catch ourselves when we want to fall back into old patterns of unconscious disconnect and engage ourselves forward into a true connection. To have the courage to slow down and interact with intention, discernment, sovereignty, and vulnerability. It is these interactions that truly nourish the heart and soul, you can feel it. And, there is a bonus! These interactions create an energy, a bubble of love so to speak, and any being that comes in contact with it, is also nourished. How powerful are we?!

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S05E03 - Everyday Magic

S05E03 - Everyday Magic

Hello you gorgeous, eternal being having a human experience! There are many kinds of magic in this world, and in this episode, Sanyasi Śivani is speaking about everyday magic. You will find a treat in Śivani-ji’s Storytelling of a magical


afternoon on her latest trip to the UK. She shares the magical events  on her walk that took her to the Castlerigg Stone Circle. This magic, she says, is available to all of us if we are willing to listen and believe in the messages that Spirit is always offering. Our Higher Self will offer us messages and guidance, and if we tune into these messages and practice this listening, our Higher Selves will send us more messages and guidance. Perceiving these messages can enrich our lives in small ways that snowball into creating a life we can really be passionate about! We can softly watch and allow this in our daily lives, and engage in this treasure hunt of our Higher Selves. Sanyasi Śivani shares in her story the simplicity of loving and kind everyday connections with Spirit and we know you will be inspired after listening to this Episode 3 of our 5th season of the Solace and Shine Podcast.



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S05E02 - Parenting

S05E02 - Parenting

Hello, and welcome home to the Solace and Shine Podcast. In the beginning of this episode, Sanyasi Śivani has a little giggle and admits that parenting is an uncomfortable subject for her. However, upon an audience request, she shares her personal perspective of parenting in our current times. Many of us know that our generation grew up in a time where boundaries were taught by unkind behaviours and much of this unkind behaviour has been tightly interwoven through our society. A lot of our generation are parents now, and with intentions of not repeating the same patterns, end up giving the children a lot of control, which creates unnecessary anxiety for them. 

The key to parenting in 5D reality is entrainment, and knowing that our children are already living within the 5D, the invitation is to set boundaries from a place of kindness and to model the behaviours we desire to see in our children.  If you have any wisdom about parenting that you want to share or have any more related questions for Sannyasi Śivani, we would love to hear from you. 

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S05E01 - Purpose

S05E01 - Purpose

Welcome Home to the Solace and Shine Podcast. This episode marks the beginning of our fifth season. Here, Sannyasi Śivani answers that age old question, what is our purpose? And her answer might surprise you. She summarizes for us in a straightforward way that our purpose is to experience each moment and in the face of all possibilities to always choose love. Our purpose is to embody an open-hearted presence of love. Sounds simple, right? Listen closely as she imparts a deeper explanation that will ease your mind and its forever questioning, and give you another way into your heart. Enjoy!

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S04E11 - October 2022 Roots and Wings Satsang Series - Portals and Starseeds

S04E11 - October 2022 Roots and Wings Satsang Series - Portals and Starseeds

Hello Beautiful Soul’s, Hello Beautiful Soul’s! This is the last in our series of the October 2022 Roots and Wings Satsang where the people attending were on fire with their intelligent and deeply inquiring questions! This is episode 11 and is the last for our Season 4. Stay tuned for Season 5!

In this episode Sn. Śivani gives her unique and practical take on two very hot topics: Portals and Starseeds. She explains what portals are and how they can be used for spiritual evolution She then also explains what are Starseeds, what are the different memories starseeds carry, and what responsibility Starseeds hold for the evolution of our galaxy. Complement this episode with episodes 10 and 11 from season 3, in which a very enlightening conversation about this topic happens between Sn. Shivani and Louise Platt, a quantum soul and galactic astrology practitioner. 

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S04E10 - October 2022 Roots and Wings Satsang Series - Dreams

S04E10 - October 2022 Roots and Wings Satsang Series - Dreams

Hello Beautiful Soul’s. Here is another glimpse into the experience of a satsang. We are continuing the series of the October 2022 Roots and Wings Satsang where the people attending were on fire with their intelligent and deeply inquiring questions. Sannyasi Śivani answers a question about dreams and how they apply to our waking lives. She gives very good metaphor on how to understand the Different levels of perception and different levels of truth of anything, in this case about the interpretation of our dreams. She speaks

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S04E09 - October 2022 Roots and Wings Satsang Series - Connecting With Your Guides

S04E09 - October 2022 Roots and Wings Satsang Series - Connecting With Your Guides

Hello Beautiful Soul’s You may have heard us talk about the importance of satsangs, and if you are someone listening that has not attended one, this is an opportunity to get a little glimpse.  This is part of the October 2022 Roots and Wings Satsang and the people attending were on fire with their intelligent and deeply inquiring questions. Sanyasi Shivani answers a question about connecting with your guides. She speaks about the importance of the muscle of discernment between the frequency of our ego and the frequency of our intuition. She also shares a very personal story on her own connection to her guides, which will sure inspire you.

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S04E08 - October 2022 Roots and Wings Satsang Series - Free Will, Love and Boundaries

S04E08 - October 2022 Roots and Wings Satsang Series - Free Will, Love and Boundaries

Hello Beautiful Soul’s You may have heard us talk about the importance of satsangs, and if you are someone listening that has not attended one, this is an opportunity to get a little glimpse.  This is part one of the October 2022 Roots and Wings Satsang and the people attending were on fire, as one would say, with their burning questions. The first three questions in this first part of the satsang were about: free will vs determinism, blockages for receiving love and boundaries vs rejection.  It is always amazing to us to see how the teachings apply to big questions and little everyday questions, and the more we get to bring the teachings into our consciousness and into every day lives we become the richer in authenticity of our experience of life!

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S04E07 - How To Shine In This Life

S04E07 - How To Shine In This Life

Hello Beautiful, Shiny Soul’s! Pavitra and I (Chai) would like to welcome you to Episode 7 of the Solace and Shine Podcast. Amongst the birds and trees under a warm, sunny spring day at Niwas in 2019, Sanyasi Śivani answered a question I had about ego, and the answer that she gave was so enlightening. It was funny and poignant and you can even hear birds chirping in the background.

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S04E06 - Densities, Feelings, Thoughts, Breath and Frequencies - Part 2

S04E06 - Densities, Feelings, Thoughts, Breath and Frequencies - Part 2

This is the second part of a Roots and Wings Satsang from August of 2022, and Sannyasi Śivani answered a question about entrainment, aloneness versus loneliness and contentment. Her answer covers those things that bring contentment: routine, our breath, integrity, contained energy and focus. This episode holds such joy and you can hear it it in her laughter. Again, she makes positivity and contentment attainable to each an every one of us. It is a muscle that we can develop and grow, and going to ashram to do this work makes our progress go faster. 

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S04E05 - Densities, Feelings, Thoughts, Breath and Frequencies - Part 1

S04E05 - Densities, Feelings, Thoughts, Breath and Frequencies - Part 1

Hello Beautiful Souls!  We are leaping forward again and it is very exciting! Welcome to the 5th episode our our 4th Season. In this episode, Sannyasi Śivani is explaining densities and how we can differentiate between them. We interact with the second, third and fourth densities with the things we already know: feelings, thoughts, perceptions and breath. We are shifting into 4th Density, not ruled by our emotions or our thoughts but by perceiving frequency and using breath to do so. Guided by this teaching, we have learned to be conscious of  which density we are engaging with, and it has been empowering to know how readily available this skill is to everyone. We are confident that the examples in this lecture will help you to integrate this teaching and empower you to create a reality that allows you to feel the inner peace that comes with perceiving the frequencies of the fourth density. 

This episode comes from a Roots and Wings Satsang from August of 2022, and we have split it into two parts. Stay tuned next week for Part 2 where she explains how we can entrain and train ourselves to stay within the higher frequencies. EnjoyHello Beautiful Souls!  We are leaping forward again and it is very exciting! Welcome to the 5th episode our our 4th Season. In this episode, Sannyasi Śivani is explaining densities and how we can differentiate between them. We interact with the second, third and fourth densities with the things we already know: feelings, thoughts, perceptions and breath. We are shifting into 4th Density, not ruled by our emotions or our thoughts but by perceiving frequency and using breath to do so. Guided by this teaching, we have learned to be conscious of  which density we are engaging with, and it has been empowering to know how readily available this skill is to everyone. We are confident that the examples in this lecture will help you to integrate this teaching and empower you to create a reality that allows you to feel the inner peace that comes with perceiving the frequencies of the fourth density. 

This episode comes from a Roots and Wings Satsang from August of 2022, and we have split it into two parts. Stay tuned next week for Part 2 where she explains how we can entrain and train ourselves to stay within the higher frequencies. Enjoy

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S04E04 - Yoga Ecology For 2024

S04E04 - Yoga Ecology For 2024

Hello Beautiful Souls! This episode for us was a quick and easy capsule to digest, and a sweet reminder to live and experience the teachings. As Sannyasi Śivani speaks the word ecology I experience a feeling in my body. I can’t explain what it is, all I know is that I distinctly experience a feeling in my body. And as she speaks more about humility, gratitude and listening to birds, deer, land I experience my heart doing something, I suppose you could say it is expanding, maybe it is glowing? It does take a certain amount of quiet in the mind to allow the experiences. This is a bonus of living at the sacred grounds of Ishtadev Niwas; I am living in a space that helps you face your mind, befriend it and then quiet it so it can observe subtler experiences of energy.

This short lecture on Yoga Ecology was recorded at the end of 2020, and as always, Sannyasi Śivani's lectures are timeless. The longer you spend with the teachings from Niwas, the more of a chance you have of embodying the wonders of being human on Gaia Sophia Mother Earth who is always speaking to you.

We would like to present an opportunity to expand your experience this summer with the Dragonfly’s Song New Earth Capsules and the Land’s Breathe Solstice Retreat. Dragonfly’s Song is a 4 week online program; it is a virtual sanctuary to unlock the secrets of self-discovery, wisdom and connection. It starts June 1, 2024, and it offers a discount to the Land’s Breath Solstice Retreat happening June 20 - 23, 2024. The Land's Breath retreat will provide a unique opportunity to explore the symbiotic relationship between nature and personal well-being, at the deepest levels. We will provide the link to both of these delicious and nurturing events in the show notes. And now, enjoy episode 4 of the Solace and Shine Podcast; Yoga Ecology for 2024 - it is a gentle nudge to experience and live the teachings.

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S04E03 - Venus Retrograde and Lion's Heart - Can You Sit In A State Of Humility And Know Your Worth?

S04E03 - Venus Retrograde and Lion's Heart - Can You Sit In A State Of Humility And Know Your Worth?

Hello Beautiful Souls!   We have a poignant and inspiring episode for you. This was a bonus lecture from Roots and Wings recorded during a Venus Retrograde in Leo Season, July 2023. Even though we are not currently under those same energies, we promise the teachings in this lecture are precious and evolutionary in this moment!   

It is a call to know thyself and  Sannyasi Śivani discusses the importance of self-inquiry in the exploration and evaluation of how much do we know about our individual value. She is, basically, giving us permission to know ourselves, to come home to ourselves, to care, to love and honour our unique perspective and wisdom. It is a comfort and truly centring strength, and when we offer that gold to the divine she says the divine rushes in and amplifies those internal riches beyond our wildest dreams. We hope this inspires you in your own self and discovery of your beauty and gold. 

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