For 20+ years, I have taught Yoga—before Instagram was a thing. I specialize in Yoga Philosophy and Psychology, supporting people through deep change, grief, birth, crisis, and illness.

I’ve trained in India for 12 years to deepen my understanding of the human mind and, more importantly, the human heart. This has led me to teach Soul Anatomy and Spiritual unfoldment internationally and build an Ashram* for advanced studies in the Purcell Mountains of British Columbia.

I have worked as a Medium and Spiritual Teacher for 20+ years. I went to art school in Aotearoa and received a Bachelor's Degree at the Auckland University of Technology, and more recently received a Graduate Certificate in Creative Writing through the Humber College of Creative Writing and am currently doing my Masters in Poetry at Pacific University, Portland.

You can read about my crazy real-life tales in my memoir The Yoga of Remembrance (2019), follow Jade’s inspiring journey in my #1 Amazon best seller in Canadian Women Writer novel, Land’s Breath, a novel from the trees (2024), and explore the heart in my debut poetry collection THIS is Written in the Stars (2024).

I live off-grid—close to the Earth—with my head in the stars as I support people through Soul Readings, Intuitive Art, and Mediumship to learn about where they come from, why they are here, and who’s on their soul team. WHO’S ON THEIR SOUL TEAM. Yes, we all have one.

I LOVE that people are waking up to the fact that there is more than a paycheck in this life, more than a bigger house or the next sale. There is a mission you are here for… and I help people figure out what that is… and what they can do about it.

*Ashram: a place for internal work.

I love writing poetry, not because of the writing per se, but because it forces me  to live a life that looks and listens for the poetry in every moment.

I don’t fit into a box … do you?


Poetry & Writing features…

Interviews on Conciousness…