S03E10 - Part 1 - Interview with Louise Platt - The Importance to Remembering our Galactic Heritage and Connection
Welcome to the penultimate episode of Season 3 of our Solace and Shine Podcast. Join Sannyasi Sivani in conversation with Louise Platt, Quantum Soul and Galactic Astrology Practitioner who is on a mission to help people remember who they are and why they came to earth. In the conversation we learn what a starseed is, the importance of star seeds in the ascension process that earth is currently undergoing, and the challenges of being a starseed. Louise also discusses how your birth chart tells where your soul is originally from. If you are wondering why is important that we remember our galactic heritage, these words by Sannyasi Shivani couldn’t explain it better. “We need to understand that all the starseed memories are inside of us and we can use this galactic charting to give us an encouragement to harness the frequencies that are inside of us so they can help us be fully in our humanity knowing that we are in this world but not from this world.”
If you feel inspired to learn about your galactic heritage check Louise Platt’s website SpiralBright.co.uk (http://SpiralBright.co.uk).
This is the link to the video mentioned on the interview about ascension symptoms. (https://youtu.be/DXrkY7RDZwI)