S05E09 - Coming Into The Heart From A 5D New Earth Perspective
Hello you Wonderful Beings! Welcome to Episode 9 of the 5th Season of the Solace and Shine Podcast. This is the second of three talks Sanyasi Śivani gave while on the last leg of the series of epic pilgrimages that she and her family shares that New Earth is already here, and we can to calibrate into it.
Although she gets technical here, I will repeat the information because it will be useful for all of us. Śivani-ji explains the Koshas, which are the sheathes of reality that make up our aura. I think the more we understand about these the more inevitable it will be that we can intelligently let go and dissolve into the New Earth. There are 5 koshas, Anandamaya kosha which is the bliss body, Vijanamaya kosha which is the karmic body, Manomaya kosha the mental body, Pranamaya kosha, the energy body and Annamaya kosha is the physical body.
The kosha that pertains to the New Earth, the Manomaya kosha is the mental sheath that bridges Manipura Chakra and Anahata Chakra. Sanyasi Śivani explains that this mental body contains the lower mind in Manipura chakra and the Higher mind in Anahata Chakra and she explains the difference between the two. In the lower mind in Manipura Chakra, we consider ourselves separate, there is always an "other", there is polarization, we say things like "I am manifesting new Earth,” or “my idea,” and we think we are in control and are the doer. When we are in the higher mind, after we experience the bridge of interconnectivity of surrender, we say things like "Let thy will be done" or “let my heart beats be an offering into the new earth reality,” and we understand that these thoughts come from the collective.
Sanyasi Śivani's message is to have the clarity that we are not creating this New Earth, we are dissolving into it. We are already a part of it. New Earth is already here, and it's who we are. Our job is to let go of everything we are not. She also states that the Heart perceives reality and the “Lower Mind” feels reality. I find this so interesting because most of us in society have been taught to suppress, push away or ignore our feelings, and I think I have spent many years actually denying the world as it is while I was denying or pushing away my own feelings. I want to experience Earth more consciously and I think I need to feel it first and then I will be able to differentiate between when I am feeling and when I am perceiving. On a personal level, I really do look forward to dissolving into the New Earth Consciousness. Seems like a most natural thing. A good episode to complement this teaching is Episode 7 in Season 1: Dimensional Mapping.
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