S05E05 - Bear Insult, Bear Injury

Bear Insult, Bear Injury, what??? This is a teaching from Swami Sivananda that he rightly called "Highest Sadhana". It is a teaching for the sattvic mind. And what is that you may ask? Sanyasi Śivani explains what are the Gunas or Qualities of the mind, Sattvic being one of them. Tamasic and Rajasic, the other two. Using the example of a flower, this teaching becomes very accessible to understand. When we are in full bloom, embodying a sattvic mind, dissolved into the divine, and there is no other, what is there to be injured or insulted by? This is a very important teaching for this time, when we are seeing so much polarization in our society. What is so amazing about this episode is that she not only explains the concept, but there is a frequency in this episode that feels like a cool breeze on one of these hot, hot summer days. May we continue our dedication to embody a sattvic mind. May we hold this teaching in our awareness so at each little chance to Bear Insult, Bear Injury we can observe the ripples in our minds and then use the practices to calm and cool the mind back to peace. 

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S05E06 - Starseed Connections, Lay Lines And Light Codes In The Water - Part 1


S0504 - Private Vs. Personal