S05E10 - The 3 Stages of Consciousness - You Are More Powerful Than You Realize

Hello Gorgeous Souls, welcome to the Solace and Shine Podcast. In this dissolving into new earth that we are experiencing, we can find three different realities are all happening at the same time. Polarization, Integration and Embodiment. Honestly, the way this is explained is brilliant and Sanyasi Śivani-ji clearly describes and helps up to sort out what we have been experiencing. We tune our “radio” to the frequency of embodiment with our consistent Sadhana, Breath Work, Mantra, Asana, Art, Poetry, Music, Science, Connection with Nature and Community. This episode came from a YouTube video that Śivani-ji made while at the sacred site of Old Man of Storr on the Isle of Sky of Scotland. We will leave the link to that video here  because this sacred sight that she journey’d to in the spring is other worldly. Enjoy our 10th episode of Season 5 of the Solace and Shine Podcast.

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S05E11 - Stop Fighting Against What You Don't Want - Do This Instead


S05E09 - Coming Into The Heart From A 5D New Earth Perspective