S04E03 - Venus Retrograde and Lion's Heart - Can You Sit In A State Of Humility And Know Your Worth?

Hello Beautiful Souls!   We have a poignant and inspiring episode for you. This was a bonus lecture from Roots and Wings recorded during a Venus Retrograde in Leo Season, July 2023. Even though we are not currently under those same energies, we promise the teachings in this lecture are precious and evolutionary in this moment!   

It is a call to know thyself and  Sannyasi Śivani discusses the importance of self-inquiry in the exploration and evaluation of how much do we know about our individual value. She is, basically, giving us permission to know ourselves, to come home to ourselves, to care, to love and honour our unique perspective and wisdom. It is a comfort and truly centring strength, and when we offer that gold to the divine she says the divine rushes in and amplifies those internal riches beyond our wildest dreams. We hope this inspires you in your own self and discovery of your beauty and gold. 

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S04E04 - Yoga Ecology For 2024


S04E02 - Radical Responsibility - Practice To Empower Yourself To Be Present In The Moment and Life Becomes Gold