S0504 - Private Vs. Personal

Hello beautiful people! Welcome to the Solace and Shine Podcast. This episode is part of a series called the New Earth Downloads. This message was channeled around July of 2023 during the New Moon in Aries.

Sanyasi Śivani asks, can we bring more of ourselves to our interactions? She speaks of how being personable, authentic and sincere in our interactions can create a personal connection that brings people together.  Did you know that as a society that we a lot spend our time and energy protecting the core wound of self acceptance? But we can heal this by being more personal.

Śivani-ji shares some powerful information from guides that can see our situation from their objective viewpoint. Private vs personal. She explains the distortion and then explains how to create personal interactions that strengthen the web of our humanity around us.

Sanyasi Śivani explains the difference between the place of thinking that divulging our private life to anyone anywhere as a way to connect versus instead being present with another person and consciously responding and connecting with them to create a personal, heartfelt interaction. Can we catch ourselves when we want to fall back into old patterns of unconscious disconnect and engage ourselves forward into a true connection. To have the courage to slow down and interact with intention, discernment, sovereignty, and vulnerability. It is these interactions that truly nourish the heart and soul, you can feel it. And, there is a bonus! These interactions create an energy, a bubble of love so to speak, and any being that comes in contact with it, is also nourished. How powerful are we?!

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S05E05 - Bear Insult, Bear Injury


S05E03 - Everyday Magic