S04E04 - Yoga Ecology For 2024

Hello Beautiful Souls! This episode for us was a quick and easy capsule to digest, and a sweet reminder to live and experience the teachings. As Sannyasi Śivani speaks the word ecology I experience a feeling in my body. I can’t explain what it is, all I know is that I distinctly experience a feeling in my body. And as she speaks more about humility, gratitude and listening to birds, deer, land I experience my heart doing something, I suppose you could say it is expanding, maybe it is glowing? It does take a certain amount of quiet in the mind to allow the experiences. This is a bonus of living at the sacred grounds of Ishtadev Niwas; I am living in a space that helps you face your mind, befriend it and then quiet it so it can observe subtler experiences of energy.

This short lecture on Yoga Ecology was recorded at the end of 2020, and as always, Sannyasi Śivani's lectures are timeless. The longer you spend with the teachings from Niwas, the more of a chance you have of embodying the wonders of being human on Gaia Sophia Mother Earth who is always speaking to you.

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S04E05 - Densities, Feelings, Thoughts, Breath and Frequencies - Part 1


S04E03 - Venus Retrograde and Lion's Heart - Can You Sit In A State Of Humility And Know Your Worth?