S02E07 - Relationship with Mastery - It’s Not What You Think.
Hi there! This is Chai Chai, a long time student of Ishtadev Niwas and I have a question to ask you: do you want to learn how to master your life? Eastern cultures have known for thousand’s of years now how to seek a teacher and a master to help them grow into their highest potential. So, how do we, of the western culture, learn how to find a teacher and eventually a master that we trust and build that precious relationship with? In this lecture, Sannyasi Sivani empowers you to use your sovereignty and gratitude to find your teacher, so that you may grow into your highest potential. And it just so happens that our highest potential comes in the truest expression of ourselves, when we are surrendered to the good of all and you go from entitlement to empowerment. It is a magical place to be, in the heart space, and how do we know we are there? It shows up in our language; we say: I connect, I love, I serve, I empower. This is how you know you are living from the heart. And when enough people are doing this, we will know how this new earth will look like, because we will be living it. Towards the end of this episode, Sannyasi Sivani mentions finding your sovereignty through play within the Roots and Wings Program. I hope this peaks your interest and you have a look at this program on solaceandshine .ca.

S02E06 - Right & Responsibilities - Orientating to the Moment.
To be so grateful to be part of our Solace and Shine community. Not only do we have the opportunities to learn, grow and evolve, this community introduces us to concepts like one Sannyasi Sivani is speaking about today; Right and responsibilities: to have the honour and privilege of serving others. From the light of a smile, to providing blankets, to feeding thousands. Sn, Shivani explains basic survival needs are our rights and the rights of others, and she invites us to move from a place of entitlement to a place of gratitude for the blessings we constantly and abundantly receive from Divine. And then it is our responsibility, our honour to make sure others needs are full filled from that abundance that flows. From giving a smile or serving a meal or providing water, we learn that it is our responsibility and our privilege to live in the resonance of the divine and to use our life force to share this resonance with others in all our daily interactions, remembering we are instruments for divinity to come through. Enjoy.

S02E05 - Prem, Amore, Love - The Different Faces of the Heart
Welcome to the 5th episode of our 2nd season! In this beautifully educational 2020 Karma to Dharma lecture, Sannyasi Sivani describes a higher love. It is the love from Anahata. This love is all pervading, unconditional, has no expectations and is constant. It is a frequency that is not directed at one person or one thing, it is a frequency that comes through you and is the foundation of the 5th dimension. As I listened to this lecture, I had to smile and laugh because Sannyasi Sivani really smacks you in the face with the truth of what we humans have been accepting as love. Attachment, Grief, Martyrdom, love as a Currency. All of these things that we continue to repeat and teach to our younger generations. The answer, she explains, is that we are supposed to “Rise in Love, not Fall in Love.” And to experience this higher love we associate with those that have had that experience, who know or who embody that frequency because we can do this! We can learn to embody this Anahata, 5th dimensional, all pervading love by seeking the experience of it from our Gurus, from Nature. We hope you enjoy this episode and that it encourages you to observe your relationships, seek that which is the frequency of the fifth dimension and discover the quality of love your heart is capable of.

S02E04 - Entrainment - The Power of the Unspoken Language EVERYONE is Speaking in.
Hello Everyone! This is Chai, a long time student of Ishtadev Niwas. I am so excited about this episode; it is jam packed with one of the main secrets of how to live a fully embodied life. Lean in and listen really closely. Sn. Shivani describes entrainment as the process of surrendering the boundary of our individual soul (or jiv-atma) to a frequency that is in dharma like a guru or nature. To be in dharma means to be living in full potential. Just as she described the tree, so can we live in our dharma as a natural part of Earth. As we move into this new paradigm we need to learn how to entrain to frequencies higher than where we currently are in. The higher frequencies are a relaxed, calm, balanced, directional, fully aware and fully alive state of being and as we entrain to these we can bring more health to the planet and all of those around us. In this episode Sn. Shivani walks us through the technique of how expressing GRATITUDE can help listen to the messages that spirit is constantly giving us. This is a tool that is applicable in so many areas like counselling, parenting, teaching and even dog training. Basically, it is a tool that will serve in all of our daily interactions; holding a calm and fully aware state of being affects all that are around us. It is a state of good health that we can share, simply by being. We hope you start using this secret right away and experience its benefits.

S02E03 - Roots and Wings - A Roadmap to the Post Materialistic Reality.
Hello Everyone! There is no beating around the bush in this episode. Sannyasi Sivani gets straight to the point about the new foundation we need to root into, so that we may grow our wings. Wings that will carry us into the 5th dimensional reality where each choice we make considers what is best for the collective. This is where we enter the Post Materialistic Paradigm, “Where your actions are improving the quality of somebody else’s experience.” Where we are focused on experience and connection not consumerism.” And if you make this effort to wake up and establish your new roots in this new paradigm, apparently, the transition can be seamless, enjoyable and the magic that is living within the heart space will open up to you. Enjoy!

S02E02 - A New Reality - Are You Ready?
Welcome to our 2nd episode in our 2nd season. In this 2022 Karma to Dharma lecture, Sannyasi Shivani gives us a succinct explanation of what this new reality is. It is us, as we begin to expand and perceive beyond the 3rd dimension and into the 5th dimension. She provides tools such a mouna practice, reframing the stories of who we are, disidentifying from our samskaras and overall understanding that right now, we are going through a complete physical, emotional and mental realignment. She explains that this new reality is an internal exploration so we can step into the beings that we are meant to be. Using the brilliant analogy of a diamond, Shivani, explains how we can have awareness of our place within the whole and the importance of our inner work so we can let who we are shine through. This inner work involves understanding that where we put our energy is what becomes manifest. This inner work also involves understanding that we are not the doers and that our duty is to experience each sacred moment with full care. It brings a whole new meaning to life.

S02E01 - The Resonance and Presence of Love
Welcome to the second season of the Solace&Shine Podcast! In this 2021 Karma to Dharma lecture, Sn. Shivani offers us a revolutionary way of manifesting the future that we are all currently dreaming.
Do you know those moments while you are getting some time in Nature, those moments that make you stop and revel in the beauty? The moments that feel exquisitely pure, fresh, clean. Can you imagine living in THAT feeling every day?
Ultimately, this is the resonance that will become the North Star that we will orientate towards. The invitation, from Sn. Shivani, is to say “I am here. I am willing. I am listening. I am watching. I am softening my skin. I am recognizing the beauty, the resonance, the love, the light. And I open to embodying this and propagating this”

S01E10 - Karma to Dharma - Oh, The Possibilities
What if, we could experience this Earth as the animals do. Totally in the moment. And what if, we could experience this Earth totally in the moment, from a place of trust and unconditional love? Feeling completely supported. What if there is a whole perceptions out there of living in the moment, feeling fully supported, fully in trust and fully in love, what would be the possibilities? Perhaps a heaven on earth? I think so. I have seen glimpses, and it’s all in our minds. The more I do my work and take responsibility for my karmic patterns, the more I slow down, the more love comes in and I get glimpses of that innate joy we have all heard of. Innate joy that we as spirits are here, experiencing body, exploring this earth, drinking in our breath, immersing ourselves in the environment around us. It is good, good reason to do our work. Some moments are not easy to digest, but when we do the work and breath through the tough moments, allow ourselves to heal, it’s worth it, because life gets wider and softer and more beautiful than we could have ever imagined. Enjoy, this beautiful Karma to Dharma lecture from 2020. You may want to listen to this episode a couple of times.

S01E09 - Depression - One of Today’s Greatest Teachers.
This episode is another timeless lecture from the 2021 Karma to Dharma program. Sannyasi Shivani explains depression through the lens of the chakras and offers us a way out as in she helps us understand what makes up the mechanics of depression. She also explains why as a society we are experiencing higher rates of anxiety and depression and how the symptoms of covid were an individual and a collective purification to help us step into something more, something beyond the mind, something more in heart mind connection. Her invitation is to see depression as a message of our soul telling us that we can no longer step forward from the foundation we are currently operating from and that we need to shift into a foundation of trust, so we can come into the foundation of the heart. If you are currently experiencing depression, please remember what Sannyasi Shivani said, “even if it is cloudy, the sun is shining, the light is there, even if you cannot see it, faith is there, even if the only thing you experience is fear, if you are listening to this, it is because you are ready, so doubting yourself and start trusting the path and trusting the work and do the work and grace will prevail.” Lastly she reminds us that we need not rush this process, on the contrary, we need to slow down and do the work that will help us expand our capacity to feel the interconnectivity with all.

S01E08 - Yoga Ecology - Yoga Like You've Never Practiced Before
Yoga Ecology: its Yoga like you’ve never practiced before. It will help you develop your connection and your own language and communication with nature. Nature, she’s always talking to us, and when we quiet our minds we are able to listen, to really listen and feel to nature speak to us. She is comforting and reminding us that we are never alone. When you participate in activities of a Yoga Ecology Retreat, it will open up a world that has been waiting for you to come back to. Birds speaking, wind wafting smells up to you, sun shining on you or hiding from you, clouds, water, landscapes, flowers. In this episode Sannyasi Shivani interviews several people that have attended yoga ecology retreats,and she asks them about what it is, and what they have learned from it. We hope you get inspired and excited and join us for one of our Yoga Ecology Retreats - the link to the retreat is below! Enjoy!

S01E07 - Dimensional Mapping - It's Not as Etherial as Your Think!
If you are listening to this episode there is a high chance that you have heard of the 3rd and 5th dimensional realities. Sannyasi Shivani offers us a brief introduction of a road map that can be used to understand what this means. I find it fascinating that two different dimensional realities are actually inside us already, living within our spinal cord. And as the frequencies inside us arise, we start to resonate with a perception of reality beyond the 3rd dimension. Sannyasi Shivani said “It’s all right here, we just have to be able to dissolve, get a little mucky and take a leap of faith”. In the episode, Sannyasi Shivani describes how to actually draw a dimensional map and we have also provided one our Ishtadev Niwas Instagram Account; the link is below. I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did. This one, I will certainly listen to more than once! And if you would like to access more in-depth teachings regarding dimensional mapping, Ishtadev Niwas offers an in person 7 day Chakra Immersion. I have taken the chakra immersion and it changed my life. The link is below. It was recorded on a cool Canadian spring morning and you can hear the fire crackling in the background. I hope gets you excited and warms your heart to know the beautiful direction that consciousness is evolving towards.

S01E06 - The Kleshas - Afflictions
Welcome to the beauty that is Episode 6 - The Kleshas. These little suckers or afflictions are the root cause of our pain and suffering. They are forms of ignorance that keep us mired in the muddy confusion of an ego centred life. Our old life, the one we are evolving from. The beauty in this 2020 Karma to Dharma lecture comes when Sannyasi Shivani starts speaking about the cure to our kleshas: Ashram life. Your body will actually experience relief listening to her words because what she is speaking, is the truth of what is called Atmabauv, One with All. Also known as one for all and all for one! When we orientate our ego to the greater good, you know it’s right because it feels good: you can feel it in your bones as they say. Once you realize the pain we are causing ourselves it’s becomes quite easy to step out and around the shadow of our ego and into the light of our natural evolution. Like I said, you can feel it. With this realization, you can stop taking everything so seriously and become part of the bigger picture and that is when Ashram Life becomes a joy and something that you will seek out. It’s an incredible feeling.

S01E05 - Speak Up or Keep Quiet
In this episode we learn about the 5 stages of the human stories that create our experiences. Sannyasi Shivani explains the importance of speaking our emotions, she explores the loops and patterns we get into, then she shares a tool of how to consciously shift our language choices to keep the momentum of the E-motions moving forward and preventing stagnation. Ultimately, being able to use the wisdom of conscious languaging to empower ourselves to create a reality in this moment that is full of life, beauty and joy.

S01E04 - Beyond Dualism
Remember how confused we all were at the beginning of the pandemic? It rocked and continues to rock our foundations, doesn’t it?! Well, here are some absolutely anchoring and boot filling answers and knowledge of how to flow gracefully in these new times within the dualism that makes our world. In this timeless lecture from ‘Niwas Karma to Dharma series, Sannyasi Shivani gives us an explanation of why this virus has come to purify and help us in our evolution. She explains how to navigate and utilize our emotions, hold our equanimity and make decisions from the seat of the witness. Once you listen to this lecture, you’re going to want to get out there and practice it right away! It makes living in this mystery called life intriguing and will put a smile in your heart, even in times that are challenging your beliefs of how you think things should be. A lot of our pain that we experience in this life is caused by our own ignorance and identification with the dualism. So, get ready to shed the layers of ignorance and dualism like a boss and practice living like the lotus.

S01E03 - Finding the Blessing - The Story of the Bees
Welcome to episode 3 of our first season! This is a story that I have had the privilege to hear in person and I have also read it in Sannyasi Shivani’s first book, The Yoga of Remembrance. Every time I hear it, I still get teary eyed and inspired at the same spots. It still grabs my heart. It is called Finding the Blessing - the Story of the Bees. Enjoy Sannyasi Shivani’s telling of this incredible experience and the teaching of looking for the blessing in all that life gives to us.

S01E02 - Vak It - How We Speak Creates Our Reality
Welcome to Episode 2 in our first Season! This one, is called Vak It! Or in other words; Speak Impeccably. This is a powerful podcast, really powerful! You might be a changed person after listening to this one! Enjoy as Sannyasi Shivani explains the power we hold in our speech and how to consciously choose our words and consciously affect our reality and experience of life.

S01E01 - Me to We - The Evolution of Consciousness
Welcome to the Solace&Shine Podcast. This podcast is is a platform for those yearning to remember their true purpose, their mission on Earth and how to live a luminous life.
The Solace&Shine Podcast dives into teachings from the soul’s ancestral roots, both traditionally human, and galactic. The teachings are here so that we may embrace the human experience and live it with beauty, courage and creativity. These teachings will make you want to lean in and shine, whole heartedly - together.