S02E02 - A New Reality - Are You Ready?

Welcome to our 2nd episode in our 2nd season. In this 2022 Karma to Dharma lecture, Sannyasi Shivani gives us a succinct explanation of what this new reality is. It is us, as we begin to expand and perceive beyond the 3rd dimension and into the 5th dimension. She provides tools such a mouna practice, reframing the stories of who we are, disidentifying from our samskaras and overall understanding that right now, we are going through a complete physical, emotional and mental realignment. She explains that this new reality is an internal exploration so we can step into the beings that we are meant to be. Using the brilliant analogy of a diamond, Shivani, explains how we can have awareness of our place within the whole and the importance of our inner work so we can let who we are shine through. This inner work involves understanding that where we put our energy is what becomes manifest. This inner work also involves understanding that we are not the doers and that our duty is to experience each sacred moment with full care. It brings a whole new meaning to life. 


S02E03 - Roots and Wings - A Roadmap to the Post Materialistic Reality.


S02E01 - The Resonance and Presence of Love