S02E04 - Entrainment - The Power of the Unspoken Language EVERYONE is Speaking in.
Hello Everyone! This is Chai, a long time student of Ishtadev Niwas. I am so excited about this episode; it is jam packed with one of the main secrets of how to live a fully embodied life. Lean in and listen really closely. Sn. Shivani describes entrainment as the process of surrendering the boundary of our individual soul (or jiv-atma) to a frequency that is in dharma like a guru or nature. To be in dharma means to be living in full potential. Just as she described the tree, so can we live in our dharma as a natural part of Earth. As we move into this new paradigm we need to learn how to entrain to frequencies higher than where we currently are in. The higher frequencies are a relaxed, calm, balanced, directional, fully aware and fully alive state of being and as we entrain to these we can bring more health to the planet and all of those around us. In this episode Sn. Shivani walks us through the technique of how expressing GRATITUDE can help listen to the messages that spirit is constantly giving us. This is a tool that is applicable in so many areas like counselling, parenting, teaching and even dog training. Basically, it is a tool that will serve in all of our daily interactions; holding a calm and fully aware state of being affects all that are around us. It is a state of good health that we can share, simply by being. We hope you start using this secret right away and experience its benefits.