S01E06 - The Kleshas - Afflictions
Welcome to the beauty that is Episode 6 - The Kleshas. These little suckers or afflictions are the root cause of our pain and suffering. They are forms of ignorance that keep us mired in the muddy confusion of an ego centred life. Our old life, the one we are evolving from. The beauty in this 2020 Karma to Dharma lecture comes when Sannyasi Shivani starts speaking about the cure to our kleshas: Ashram life. Your body will actually experience relief listening to her words because what she is speaking, is the truth of what is called Atmabauv, One with All. Also known as one for all and all for one! When we orientate our ego to the greater good, you know it’s right because it feels good: you can feel it in your bones as they say. Once you realize the pain we are causing ourselves it’s becomes quite easy to step out and around the shadow of our ego and into the light of our natural evolution. Like I said, you can feel it. With this realization, you can stop taking everything so seriously and become part of the bigger picture and that is when Ashram Life becomes a joy and something that you will seek out. It’s an incredible feeling.