S06E10 - Lonely Vs. Alone - Living And Loving One’s Own Abode

In this episode, Sanyasi Śivani explores the difference between being lonely and being alone. When we feel lonely, we are in a state of separation, seeking validation from "the other."  When Swadhistana chakra is balanced and healthy, we become sovereign beings who live from the soul, embodying a connection to all. She says it is quite delicious!

Just before we move into the episode, I share with you the latest offerings of inspiration coming from ŚivaniHowe.ca.

1. Coming up this spring is the Roots & Wings Spring. It can be so challenging to maintain a steady practice for calm and connection on our own. Roots & Wings Spiritual Wellbeing Capsules are created to be your guide to renewal and growth as we move through the Spring and Summer seasons.


2. Land’s Breath - a novel from the trees,

3. A transformational book of poetry: THIS is Written in the Stars - an ode to love itself, 

4. New Earth Oracle Deck


If you are craving a connection with like minded souls join us on We*Are: https://www.sivanihowe.ca/community


S06E11 - An Early Spring Welcome


S06E09 - Past, Present and Future All Happening In This Moment?!