S06E11 - An Early Spring Welcome

Hello Beautiful Souls! We came across this beautiful “Welcome Spring” love note and wanted to share it with you. Originally part of a 2021 newsletter, its message remains just as meaningful for this spring of 2025.

Sannyasi Śivani invites us to listen deeply - to our souls, bodies and hearts - to gain clarity on how we want to spend our precious heartbeats and how we connect with all beings. But first, we must create space by courageously letting go of what no longer serves us.

This episode also serves as a gentle reminder to cultivate gratitude and compassion for everyone on our path, recognizing that we are all doing the best we can in each moment.

Just before we move into the episode, I would like to share with the latest offerings of inspiration coming from Śivanihowe.ca:

  1. Roots & Wings Spring: it can be so challenging to maintain a steady practice for calm and connection on our own. Roots & Wings Spring well-being capsules are created to be your guide to renewal and growth as we move through the Spring and Summer seasons together.


  2. Land’s Breath - a novel from trees

  3. A transformational book of poetry - THIS is Written In The Stars

  4. The New Earth Oracle Deck


    Note: In this episode, you will hear about the K2D program: K2D was replaced by Roots & Wings and the We*Are Community.

    If you are craving a connection with like minded souls join us on We*Are:


S06E10 - Lonely Vs. Alone - Living And Loving One’s Own Abode