Chakra Immersion Orientation
Chakra Immersion Orientation & Preparation
September 27th - October 4th 2025
Chakra Immersion Sadhana is for those who yearn to EMBODY the teachings, not just learn them.
Namo Narayana!
We are very excited to have you at 'Niwas as part of the Chakra Immersion Sadhana Retreat. This orientation provides some information and guidelines that we hope helps you prepare and get the most out of your time at Ishtadev Niwas Ashram.
WAIVER: Please make sure you have signed your waiver.
ARRIVAL TIME - Please follow the guidelines provided to you within your retreat and/or residency approval email. It is optimal for you to arrive to 'Niwas any time between 1pm - 3pm on your first day of the Retreat. It is very important that you arrive within the guidelines provided to you within the email, PLEASE DO NOT BE LATE. This will also allow for ample time for unpacking and settling in to your sleeping space. If you are new to the Ashram and are arriving by vehicle and require directions, please contact the office. If you are arriving by plane, please send in your flight information to arrange your Ashram arrival/departure times and an airport pick-up from Cranbrook International Airport with the office manager. There is a $20 fee each way, please bring cash to give to the driver as there are no cash machines en route to the Ashram.
RETREAT START TIME - 4pm. Otherwise, time TBD with Residency Coordinator (OmShanti) in advance
DEPARTURE TIME - 2pm on final day of Retreat, unless otherwise pre-determined and approved with Residency Coordinator
Ashram Retreat SAMPLE SCHEDULE (subject to change based on Ashram flows and needs). The full schedule is always communicated upon arrival and orientation.
Daily Schedule (subject to change)
6.15 am - Ganesha & Shiva Puja
6.30am - Asana class in Satyam Kutir
8am – Breakfast
8.30am – Karma yoga intro/allocation and set up.
9am – Session 1
Noon – Lunch
1pm – Session 2
3pm – Chai Time (20 mins)
3.30pm Session 3
4.30pm – Havan
5pm – Dinner
6pm – Personal time/Showers/Sauna (please make sure that all noise is concluded by 9pm so that our other
guests can rest for the next day)
Karma Yoga
What exactly is Karma Yoga?
The definition of Karma Yoga is “meditation in action.” It is an opportunity to learn and practice skills of being 100% present, in the moment, watching the mind, and not being attached to the fruits of your actions, even though you apply 100% effort.The result of Karma Yoga is the experience of innate joy throughout your day regardless of what task you are doing. It gives you a wonderful opportunity to watch the mind through its emotional pull of likes and dislikes, or “raga-dwesha,” and to witness these into an equilibrium. Karma Yoga is considered to be one of the highest purification techniques in Yoga. If you would like to learn more about Karma Yoga teachings prior to your retreat, here is a great article.
Optimizing Your Stay
Meals & Nourishment
Ishtadev Niwas is 100% vegetarian. We love to cook healthy Sattvic Yogic food, baking our own bread on-site in our wood-fired bakery and the occasional brownie/cookie. While we can and will accommodate any severe food allergies (ie. peanuts), we are unable to cater to food “intolerances” and/or dietary restrictions. Please inform us of any food allergies as close to the time of registration as possible so we can plan our meals accordingly.
A note on food in the Ashram:
Ashram life is a spiritual community of like-minded individuals on a similar path. We share the same schedule, and as such, eat meals together. Please refrain from bringing personal snacks unless it is pre-arranged and offered as Prasad to the kitchen (and can be shared with the group).
We do not serve coffee at ‘Niwas but we do serve black tea. A donation of herbal tea(s) is always welcome. If you are addicted to caffeine, we suggest that you moderate and cut down your intake before you get here so as to make your stay more pleasant. You are also welcome to bring your own milk substitute for your tea.
Accommodation & Facilities
In accordance with Yogic lifestyle, the accommodation and facilities at 'Niwas are simple. This is by design to support you getting into the flow of "living Yoga" and Ashram life as seamlessly as possible. Only when our formal accommodation is booked up do we open up possibilities for camping.
We have 1 outdoor cold shower available in summer months and traditional indoor bucket baths available in shoulder seasons. Please bring your own bucket for washing up if you are driving! - people flying can inform the office and we can provide.
'Niwas has a wood-fired sauna that may be an optional part of your retreat/residency experience on certain days. Please bring your swimsuit and an extra towel if you wish to participate. (Highly encouraged to help integrate the days teachings)
Phones & Internet
'Niwas does not have any phones or internet for guest use. The purpose of being at an Ashram is to disconnect from the outside world, so you can have an opportunity to reconnect to your inside world. We ask that you check in your phone and keys when you arrive (as you do in Vipassana retreats). You are welcome to give your loved ones the office contact at +1-250-908-9088 / office@solaceandshine.ca if for any reason they needed to contact you in an emergency.
Coming and Going
While you are at 'Niwas, please consider yourself “at 'Niwas". By this we mean that in order to create a holistic retreat environment for people here, it is not an option to “pop out for a morning coffee” to the nearest town, or head out tonight for a steak. We ask that you fully immerse yourself in the Yogic lifestyle while you are here for you to be able to receive the full benefits of your efforts.
What to Bring
If you are initiated, please wear the colors of your initiation (i.e. white, yellow, geru). Beyond this, please no black clothing and wear clothes that you are comfortable in both Asana class as well as getting dirty as you are on a working farm. Pack layers for chilly evenings/mornings. Please note that all Sadhana should be practiced with shoulders and knees covered so please bring items of clothing that can accommodate this as well.
Other Items to Bring
Sleeping bag and pillow
Personal plate, bowl, cutlery, water bottle and travel mug/tea mug
Warm clothes as it can get chilly at night/early morning
Bug repellant (different times of year have different bug flows)
Sun hat/ Warm hat
Any prescription medication you might need. INCLUDING EPI PEN if you are allergic to bees or other.
Yoga mat
Meditation cushion/Blanket
JOURNAL and pens
4 sacred items, one you will leave at 'Niwas, the other 3 you will take home again (choose items you are ok with leaving outside for the week).
*Flashlight* or head lamp (and batteries!)
*An alarm clock* that is NOT your phone (and batteries!)
Clothes you're OK with getting dirty doing farm work and moving about in
Work gloves and earplugs (for any dirty and noisy farm work) - Bring enough earplugs for your entire residency. Earplugs are for farm work only and should not be worn while sleeping. More can be oriented on this teaching when in-Ashram.
Slip-on shoes for outside (we go in and out a lot, and laces are time consuming and laborious)
Towel and toiletries
Bucket (for washing and washing up)
Biodegradable laundry soap should you require to hand wash your laundry
Indoor Footwear - Please note: We have a "no shoe policy" inside our space. Options other than bare feet are socks, socks with leather soles, or moccasins with leather soles. Kindly refrain from wearing any “indoor footwear” with solid/rubber soles.
Herbal tea! It is always lovely to have a large selection of herbal teas to share.
Things to Leave at Home
Please no black clothes. Let your inner light shine! We will be happy to explain this to anyone curious while you are here.
Chewing Gum
Cigarettes, Vape, Alcohol and Drugs (this includes marijuana)
Private Sessions with Sn. Sivani
Opportunities may be available upon request.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The Ashram's FAQ page with additional information to support you in advance of your stay may be found here.
Solace&Shine’s Outreach Program is run by donation. If you are inspired by the teachings and would like to help people within and beyond our community, please consider donating to help this program run. Please send an etransfer to payment@solaceandshine.ca with DONATION in the subject. We are happy to make a receipt of payment to you, but please note that we are a registered non-profit, not a charity, and therefore personal receipts cannot be used against your taxes. Only companies and sole proprietor receipts can be 'written off’.
TERMS: please make sure you are aquatinted with our Terms and Condition for this program.
If you have any questions regarding the above we would be happy to chat to you, so you get the most out of your time here.
With much love. Namo Narayana,
Sn Sivani, Sn Paramjyoti, and the team at Ishtadev Niwas Ashram
For General Contact & Enquiries, see here for email or contact Office Manager, OmShanti at 250.908 9088.