S06E06 - WHY Do We Incarnate? What IS It to Master The 3D?

Hello Beautiful Souls! If we have an oversoul, and we actually come from and are unconditional love at our essence, why do we even bother to incarnate into this 3rd dimensional reality? This question was asked during the Roots and Wings Satsang of April 2022.

Sanyasi Śivani answers in such a complete way you will jump light years forward into your understanding of the opportunity that it is to experience human life on Earth at this time and how it holds such evolution for our souls.

There is always more to purify and our frequency can always rise higher, and this is what the masters have come to show us. They incarnate and live their lives dedicated to serve others because they understand there is no separation.

Enjoy Episode 6 of the 6th Season of the Solace and Shine Podcast; the wisdom and medicine held here is made of ribbons of gold and blue that will awaken your ego to the soul’s calling. 

Just before we move into the episode, I would like to share with you the latest offerings of light and inspiration coming from ŚivaniHowe.ca. First is: 

Lines of Light: The Art of Poetry - join Sanyasi Śivani in a six week live course that focuses on nurturing your poetic voice in a warm and inspiring online community. This course is taking registration now and begins on February 4th, 2025. 

Click here to register: https://www.sivanihowe.ca/workshops/poetry

The next three offerings are: and can be found here: https://www.sivanihowe.ca/shopfront

  1. Land’s Breath - a novel from the trees, 

  2. A transformational book of poetry: THIS is Written in the Stars - an ode to love itself, 

  3. New Earth Oracle Deck

If you are craving a connection with like minded souls join us on We*Are: https://www.sivanihowe.ca/community



S06E07 - Dimensions, Densities and How They Relate To The Teachings


S06E05 - How Densities Work Within Dimensions and How Humans Can Interact Beyond the 3D